July 2023
What does the FESTMIH constitution say about the president (chair)?
“The President presides over the Board and General Meeting reunions, prepares meeting agendas with the Secretary and represents the Federation at official functions. S/he is responsible for the implementation of the decisions taken by the Board of Directors and, with the Secretary, is charged with the judicial and extrajudicial representation of the Federation.”
Role and functions of the FESTMIH Chair
Chairmanship of FESTMIH is a voluntary position. The position is person-related, and requires the capacity to transcend the interests of one’s own organisation and represent those of the platform, in line with FESTMIH’s values, vision and mission.
The chair of FESTMIH represents the Federation at official functions. S/he gives the opening and closing speech at ECTMIH conferences as the representative of FESTMIH.
The chair communicates the platform’s vision and mission to third parties (international stakeholders).
The chair presides over the FESTMIH Executive Board and General Assembly meetings and prepares meeting agendas with the Coordinator/Secretary.
S/he is responsible for the implementation of the decisions taken by the Executive Board.
The chair is co-responsible, with the other members of the Executive Board and General Assembly members, for the smooth running and dynamics of the network. He/she monitors the objective(s) of the platform at a strategic level, maintains the overview of the operations and supervises the coordinator of the platform.
The average time investment for the FESTMIH is 10 hours per month, however this investment may temporarily be less or more intensive.
Profile of the FESTMIH Chair
- The chair should be a member of a European National Society which is part of FESTMIH.
- The chair has solid expertise and experience in Global Health and is fluent in English.
- Conceptual and strategic thinking, communication and advocacy skills are required.
- The chair is a facilitator, and if necessary, a mediator in case of tension or conflict between platform members among themselves and/or with third parties.
- Active experience in running or supporting networks or as a Board member of an institution or network is an asset.
Procedure for nomination and election of the FESTMIH Chair
The FESTMIH delegates in the General Assembly Members nominate a candidate for the position of FESTMIH chair at least 14 days before the General Assembly.
They may nominate themselves or another FESTMIH delegate or any other FESTMIH-member.
The nominations are sent to the Coordinator/Secretariat and shared with the FESTMIH Executive Board. The Board checks whether the nomination is valid and whether the nominees accept the candidacy.
Each candidate provides the FESTMIH Coordinator/Secretariat with a motivation. This is circulated amongst all members of the General Assembly (GA). At the time of the GA meeting the candidates orally present their motivation to become chair after which the GA members cast their (secret) vote.
If the candidate accepts the result, s/he becomes the new FESTMIH chair, for a period of 3 years, once renewable. A hand-over between the old and new chair will be organised.