When: May 19, 2020 14:00 Brussels
Topic: Is covid-19 a gamechanger for a much better health system in Belgium? by Ri De Ridder
A close look on Belgian health care by using the triple/quadruple aim approach, shows much room for improvement. The actual system is not sustainable enough to respond to the challenges of multimorbidity, due to ageing, The shortcomings are systemic of nature and can only be overcome by a system change, including fundamental reform of care organisation, governance and financing. Awareness is growing but leadership for change is still insufficient. Covid-19 suddenly perturbs the health system due to the high impact of an acute disease. Does the coronacrisis change our perspective on the health care system we need? Will it urge system change? Or will it on the contrary be considered a good reason to go back to business as usual?
Speaker: Ri De Ridder, President @Brusano and Doctors of the World Belgium
Moderator: Bart Criel, Professor and course director MPH @Institute of Tropical Medicine – Antwerp
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