ITM Webinar – Learning from ITM’s holistic approach to international cooperation
16/06 - 30/11/2022

How efficient is ITM’s international cooperation? Which capacities did we manage to strengthen at partner institutes? What is our impact on health in the countries we work in? And especially, where can we improve? Our DGD funded capacity strengthening programme (2017-2021) came to an end last year. Based on the OECD/DAC criteria for evaluation, a final assessment of the intervention was done. In this webinar the evaluators will present the findings and recommendations of the final evaluation.
The webinar takes place on Thursday 16/06 at 3.30pm.
- Julia Forke is a Consultant at Syspons GmbH, which is a public sector consultancy in Germany. She is a cognitive scientist by training with a Master in Cognitive Sciences from the University of Vienna and a Bachelor in Philosophy & Economics from the University Bayreuth. In her work, she runs monitoring and evaluation projects especially in the sectors of higher education and development cooperation. She was the project manager of the final evaluation of ITM’s interventions under FA4.
- Matias Krämer manages the area of Scientific Coorperation at Syspons, which is a public sector consultancy in Germany. He has more than 12 years of professional experience in the field of monitoring and evaluation in development cooperation. He has been involved in many evaluation projects in the field of academic capacity building and international health, among others for ITM, SEO, DAAD, EP-Nuffic, NWO-WOTRO and GIZ.
- Heleen Annemans is responsible for Monitoring and Evaluation for International Cooperation at ITMs International Cooperation and Development Office. She holds Master degrees in International Politics and Journalism a.o.. Before joining ITM she worked in M&E for Plan International, and as a programme manager for UN Women Uganda, and for ENABEL in Niger. Besides M&E Heleen is responsible for international cooperation policy development and programme management for Mozambique at ITM.