We are happy to invite you to the international conference ‘Social Health Protection, a path to fight against inequalities’ which takes place from 10 to 13 May 2022 online and at the Radisson BLU Hotel in Niamey (Niger).
The conference is organised by the Ministry of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs of Niger in collaboration with Be-cause health, Enabel, the ILO and the WHO. Registrations are open now until the 10th of April.
Register now
About ten African countries involved in the implementation of a social health protection system as well as representatives of bi- and multilateral institutions, academic institutions and civil society actors will participate in this conference. The main objective of this major meeting is to share experiences on social protection in health (SPH) and the fight against inequalities, starting from strategic, technical and political options and critical and cross-analysis of existing SPH initiatives in the participating countries, leading to a common vision that creates opportunities for more concerted, structural and efficient collaboration.
The renewed Be-cause health working group on Social protection will take forward the lessons learned and key messages from this conference. Please contact us if you would like to have some more information on the conference or the working group.