30 April, ICAB, Witte Patersstraat 4, rue des Pères Blancs, 1040 Etterbeek
This academy looked back on 3 years implementation on E-Health through a framework contract between Enabel and a VUB-led consortium with amongst others AEDES, Bluesquare, Close the Gap, ITM, 3E.
Between 2016 and 2019, an important number of E-Health initiatives has been developed through a framework contract, signed between Enabel and a VUB-led consortium, including academic and private actors. A specific 5+1 E-Health approach has been developed, covering and articulating the national information systems, the health facility levels, the health care professional, the community level, the patient level and the capacity building / digital skills level (competence development). Implementation is ongoing in Burundi, Dem. Rep. Congo, Peru, Guinea, Benin, Senegal and planned in Rwanda, Niger and Burkina Faso. Read more. On 30 April, a specific E-Health Academy of Be-cause health looked at achievements, lessons learned and the way forward.