Who we are
Be-cause health is an informal and pluralistic platform and is open to institutional and individual members.
Be-cause health connects members from the following categories:
- Belgian academic institutes, services, schools for public health;
- Belgian medical (and related) development organisations, NGOs and study bureaus;
- government services involved in medical development cooperation and international healthcare;
- partner organisations from the Global South;
- organisations and associations for whom development cooperation is not necessarily a priority, but whose mandates overlap with international healthcare.
Vision & mission
Our vision
Be-cause health aims at equitable access to good quality responsive health services for all, and in particular the most vulnerable people, embedded in strong, resilient and sustainable health systems. It is recognised on national and international level for its expertise in these matters.Our mission
Be-cause health is a pluralistic open platform, providing a place for exchange and capitalisation of technical knowledge and scientific evidence on international health and development cooperation and its application in the field. Be-cause health ensures a more effective Belgian contribution to global health policies and the policy debate based on the right to health and healthcare for all, and on the acceptance of reality as a complex, adaptive system influenced by multiple determinants. The platform stimulates mutual trust, understanding and cooperation between all stakeholders involved in Belgian development cooperation. It strengthens the transformational competences of its members such as flexibility, teamwork and leadership.Our values & principles
Based on a rights perspective to health and healthcare, Be-cause health values:- Based on a rights perspective to health and healthcare, Be-cause health values:
- Constructive dialogue in an open and learning mind-set;
- Creativity and Innovation;
- Equity;
- Autonomy;
- Solidarity;
- Ownership.
Our structure
As a pluralistic platform, Be-cause health is open to both organisations and individual members involved in Belgian development cooperation related to international health: policy makers, public and private actors, civil society organisations and research institutes.Its dynamics are supported by a light and flexible structure and mode of functioning adaptive to opportunities and continuous changes in the complex, pluralistic and multi-actor context of development cooperation, as well as to the expectations and commitment of its members. The dynamic of the platform depends on its members’ sense of initiative, to whom the necessary autonomy is given. Be-cause health is an open platform looking actively for synergy and collaboration with other networks at Belgian and international level, also beyond the health sector.
Declaration on Health Care for All
Belgium is a small country, but it has a strong tradition in international healthcare, both in humanitarian aid and in development cooperation. The government, NGOs, academic institutions and strong individuals played and play an important role. Belgian stakeholders in international healthcare share pretty much the same conclusion. It is expressed in the Healthcare for All declaration. This declaration came about during the Healthcare for All conference in October 2001, organised by the Belgian Development Cooperation and the Institute of Tropical Medicine following the Belgian chairmanship of the European Union. The writing of this declaration was prepared and ratified by over 20 Public Health ministers and their representatives from the South. Even though the context is evolving fast, the basics of this declaration remain topical. We will continue our efforts to strengthen local healthcare. Without a well-oiled network of health services at the service of the entire population and which does not lose sight of its most pressing needs, the goals that were set can never be met.The "Health Care for All" - declaration
Member organisations
- Actieplatform Gezondheid & Solidariteit - Plate-forme d'action Santé & Solidarité
- AEDES - European Agency for Development & Health
- Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN)
- Amnesty International Belgique francophone
- Association belge des praticiens de l'art infirmier - ACN
- Association pour le Renforcement de l'Enseignement et de l'Apprentisage en Santé (Are@Santé)
- Belgian Development Agency - BTC
- Benelux Afro Center
- Belgian Medical Students' Association (BeMSA)
- Cap Santé
- La Chaine de l'Espoir - De Keten van Hoop
- Croix Rouge de Belgique francophone
- Damien Foundation
- Ecole de Santé Publique - ULB
- fos - Socialistische Solidariteit
- Fracarita
- Hélène De Beir Foundation
- International Centre for Reproductive Health - UGent
- Institute of Tropical Medicine
- International Youth Assoication for Development (IYAD vzw)
- Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen - Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer
- KBA - Foncaba
- Light for the World
- Louvain Coopération
- LUMOS - UZ Leuven
- Médecins du Monde - Dokters van de Wereld
- Médecins sans Vacances - Artsen zonder Vakantie
- Médecine pour le Tiers Monde - Geneeskunde voor de Derde Wereld
- Memisa Belgium
- Le Monde selon les Femmes
- Mutualité Chrétiennes - Christelijke Mutualiteiten
- Rode Kruis Vlaanderen
- Rotary Clubs for Development
- SENSOA - Vlaams Expertisecentrum voor Seksuele Gezondheid
- SOLENTRA - UZ Brussel
- Solidarité Protestante - Protestantse Solidariteit
- SOS Villages d'Enfants - SOS Kinderdorpen
- The Walking Egg
- ULB Coopération
- Wereldsolidariteit - Solidarité Mondiale
Observing & Funding organisation
- Belgian Development Coöperation
- Departement Internationaal Vlaanderen
- FOD Gezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu -SPF Santé Publique, Sécurité de la chaine alimentaire et environnement