2021 Conf ENG1 Welcome and introduction by Magalie Schotte
2021 Conf ENG2 Opening testimony by Bob Matovu
2021 Conf ENG5 Feedback on the results and challenges of the COP26 by Beverly Longid
2021 Conf ENG4 Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Diseases by Steven Van Den Broucke
2021 Conf ENG3 A Planetary Health perspective on the climate crisis by Sabine Gabrysh
2021 Conf ENG10 Closure Day 1 Elies Van Belle
Annual reports
FESTMIH News Of The Month
Be-cause health matters
Be-cause health matters n°15: Report on the 2021 International Conference on Climate Justice and Health Equity
Be-cause health matters n° 14: Report on the 2021 Conference Mental health voices from Africa. Experiences and lessons learned
Be-cause health matters n° 12: Agir ensemble afin de renforcer le droit à la santé dans la RDC - Compte rendu du Séminaire sur la santé en RDC et de la table ronde sur la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle en RDC, Dec. 2019Download
Be-cause health matters n°11: Be-cause health matters - Reflections on 10 years of Be-cause health, Nov. 2015Download
Be-cause health matters n° 10 - long version: Putting People at the Heart of Development. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the post-2015 era. Seminar Be-cause health, 28 November 2014Download
Be-cause health matters n° 10 - short version: Putting People at the Heart of Development. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the post-2015 era. Seminar Be-cause health, 28 November 2014Download
Be-cause health matters n°9: Health-y answers to comple#ity: Are we able
to move beyond the control panel? Seminar 2013 - organized by Be-cause health & MMI - 28 November 2013Download
to move beyond the control panel? Seminar 2013 - organized by Be-cause health & MMI - 28 November 2013Download
Be-cause health matters n°8: Renewing health districts for advancing universal health coverage in Africa. Regional conference on health districts in Africa - Dakar, 21-23 October 2013Download
Be-cause health matters n°7: Financement et qualité des services et soins de santé : renforçons ensemble le système de santé en RDC. Atelier de capitalisation et échange d’expériences des acteurs du secteur de la santé - Kinshasa - Octobre 2012Download
Be-cause health matters n°5: Workshop on the Charter on the recruitment and support to the development of human resources for health in partner countries - June 2012Download
Be-cause health matters n°4: Will our generation close the gap?
Comprehensive and innovative strategies to address social determinants of health- December 2011Download
Comprehensive and innovative strategies to address social determinants of health- December 2011Download
Be--cause health matters n°3: Compte rendu du séminaire régionale
au Rwanda en septembre 2011Download
au Rwanda en septembre 2011Download
Be-cause health matters n°1: Joint Colloquium ITM - Be-cause health seminar 2010 "Towards Universal Health Coverage in developing countries"Download
SRHR Info sheets & infographics
SRHR & Gender
SRHR & Young people
Consensual note on health
- Verbintenis om de kwaliteit van farmaceutische producten te verzekeren - Engagement pour une assurance de la qualité des produits pharmaceutiques (2017)
- Charter on the recruitment of and support for human resources for health (2012)
- Charter for the quality of medicines, vaccines, diagnostics and small medical material (2008)
- Technical checklist for the Charter on medicines (2008)