Mathias Lardinois
Country Portfolio Manager and Country Director, Enabel, Mauritania
Mathias Lardinois works for Enabel (the Belgian Development Agency) since 2008. He is currently the Country Portfolio Manager and Country Director for Enabel in Mauritania, supervising a portfolio in two sectors: (1) health and (2) food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture. Until June 2020, he was the Coordinator of the Belgian Food Security Programme in Tanzania (Maisha Bora), implemented by 5 international and 10 local development partners with expertise in water engineering, livestock productivity & health, land-use planning, micro-finance, entrepreneurship, WASH & nutrition. From 2011-15, Mathias was Operation Advisor for Enabel in Brussels, in charge of the formulation, backstopping and evaluation of projects in DRC, Uganda, Tanzania, Vietnam. From 2008-11 he was Technical Assistant for Enabel in Timbuktu (Mali) for the support of the wheat value chain. Previous experiences are a 5 years position as Technical Assistant in Senegal to develop new locally processed food products with high added-value, and a 4 years position as Research Engineer at the University of Liege (Belgium) working on municipal solid waste management in developing countries.