Abhay Shukla
SATHI Pune & People's Health Movement, India
Abhay Shukla is a public health physician based in India, working on public and community health issues since last 35 years. He is Senior consultant with SATHI Pune (Support for Advocacy and Training to Health Initiatives), and is a national co-convener of People’s Health Movement – India. He has co-edited / authored the books ‘Review of Health care in India’, ‘Health system in India – crisis and alternatives’ as well as ‘Dissenting Diagnosis’, exposing malpractices in the private medical sector in India.
Abhay has been involved in developing Community based monitoring and planning (CBMP) of health services, and drafting of the national ‘Patients’ Rights Charter’ developed by National Human Rights Commission. He has been involved in developing various community-based health responses to the COVID epidemic in Maharashtra, while drafting official Health rights advisories in response to COVID. He is active in campaigns for patient’s rights, social regulation of the private healthcare sector, and developing a system for Universal Health Care.