
Steering Group

The steering committee runs the day-to-day activity of the platform. It also discusses proposals for external communication and views on policy. When necessary, the steering committee will consult the members.

The steering committee comprises 8 to 12 elected people who exercise their office personally. They contribute the expertise gained through their own organisations.

At the election of members, certain balances will be kept in mind:

  • Between academic institutes, NGOs, representatives of government services, other organisations (e.g. study bureaus) and individual members.
  • Between both Belgian national languages, with a minimum of 2 members of each language.
  • Between the sexes, with a minimum of 2 members of each gender.

The term of office is 4 years and is renewable. The renewal takes place every two years by one third to half of the members of the steering group who can give up their office for election. The positions of chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer and members are decided by the members of the steering group themselves.

Recent composition of the steering group:

Chairperson Karel Gyselinck Belgian Development Agency
Vice-chairperson & SecretaryTim RoosenInstitute of Tropical Medicine
Treasurer Dirk Van BraeckelICRH, Universiteit Gent

Other Members:

Peter Eerens Living Health Systems
Aline Labat Ecole de Santé Publique, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Anselme Mubeneshayi Kananga International Youth Association for Development (IYAD)
Ignace Ronse Observer Directorate-General Development Cooperation
Elies Van Belle Memisa
Thérèse Delvaux Institute of Tropical Medicine
Wim Van De Voorde Sensoa
Thomas Dewaele Belgian Medical Students’ Association (BeMSA)
Pieter Van Wolvelaer Christelijke Mutualiteiten – Mutualités chrétiennes

