Providing access to quality medicines is a shared objective of various Belgian organisations and individuals, all concerned with the issue (of access to and quality) of medicines and diagnostics in developing countries. Be-cause health members are pharmacists, researchers and NGOs sharing insights, research and field experiences on the quality of medicines. Belgian members are engaged from the onset with QUAMED and became the first signatories of a declaration of commitment with Belgian authorities to monitor the quality of medicines purchased via development cooperation. The group aims at influencing pharmaceutical policies in Belgium, both at government and organisation level. One earlier achievement was the development of a Charter for the quality of medicines, vaccines, diagnostic products and small medical material. Be-cause health remains an open forum to share field experiences and research on the topic.
Be-cause heath member organisations meet regularly to reflect on issues concerning the quality of medicines from two perspectives:
- A regulatory perspective, with a focus on pharmaceutical export regulations of European countries and their consequences for access to quality medicines in developing countries.
- An institutional perspective, with a focus on improving the quality assurance framework (policies and quality assurance systems) of organisations and institutions involved in the acquisition and distribution of medicines and other medical products.

past events

Reference documents
- Commitment to Quality Assurance for Pharmaceutical Products (French & Dutch signed version) between the Belgian Development Cooperation & the actors involved in the implementation of programmes including the purchasing, storage, distribution and/or control of pharmaceutical products
- Article in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice - Ravinetto et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (2018) 11:12 , https://doi.org/10.1186/s40545-018-0136-z
- Final report: Analyse de l’accès des patients aux opiacés à usage médical dans un échantillon d’hôpitaux en RDC, Sept 2022

external links
Webinar 6 November 2024:
Webinar 1 December 2022 (in French):
- Rapport Webinaire 22.12.01 GT Accès à des Médicaments de Qualité
- Présentation Cécile Macé
- Présentation Jean-Baptiste Nikiema OMS AFRO
- Présentation Patient Roland Marini Université de Kinshasa
- Présentation Pernette Bourdillon Esteve OMS
- Présentation Richard Neci Cizungo EPN
- Présentation Serigne Omar Sarr Université de Dakar Cheikh Anta Diop
Minutes of working group meetings
- WHO prequalification - http://www.who.int/topics/prequalification/en/
- Essential Medicines and Health Products Information Portal - a World Health Organization resource : http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/
- Campaign on access to medicine - https://www.msfaccess.org/
- Antimalarial Quality Literature Survey - http://www.wwarn.org/aqsurveyor/#0
- "Addressing the Challenge and Constraints of Insulin Sources and Supply (ACCISS)" http://haiweb.org/what-we-do/acciss/ provides a solid understanding of what is causing the barriers to insulin; including inequities and inefficiencies in the global insulin market
- QUAMED - not for profit association which objective is to contribute to improving access to quality medicines
- Study ITM & Quamed: The lack of quality-assured sources of medicines on the global market: a survey to explore the priority needs of purchasers in the Belgian humanitarian sector
- Feedback on the 10-years evaluation performed ad-hoc, Kashi Carasso (HERA): Survey amongst Belgian stakeholders: Quality of Medicines in LMICs
- Conference on Medicine Quality and Public Health, Oxford, 2018
- Roundtable in the margins of the 72nd World Health Assembly, Geneva, May 2019: Assuring Quality in Medicines Procurement WHA 2019
- Article de recherche : Access to opioid analgesics for medical use at hospital level in the Democratic Republic of Congo: An exploratory mixed-method study December 2022 (Open Access)
- Introduction video by QUAMED