Dear Be-cause health members & friends
Undoubtedly, you are familiar with Body & Rights, the e-tutorial on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). We are very pleased to present to you now the thoroughly updated version of the e-tutorial.
With the support of Be-cause health and the Belgian Development Cooperation, the e-tutorial has been evaluated by hera – Right to health and development, and updated by Sensoa. The thematic experts of ITM, DGD, Enabel, Çavaria, GAMS, Plan Belgium, UCOS, FOS, Memisa, ICRH and Médecins du Monde made important contributions to the content.
Body & Rights is developed for everyone who is active in international cooperation. It is a platform that houses a wealth of information on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). It is therefore interesting for both new and more experienced staff. From understanding what SRHR is really about to getting SRHR on the agenda and keeping it there.
Themes such as maternal health, sexual violence, child marriage, genital mutilation, HIV, STIs, family planning and sexual rights are discussed, with concrete suggestions about what the trainee can do. Special attention is paid to young people and sexual minorities. In addition, diplomats Hannelore Delcour and Dirk Brems, Enabel’s SRHR expert Marleen Bosmans, and Memisa’s project manager Anna Salvati share their concrete experiences in the field.
The certificate that can be obtained, is recognised by the Belgian Development Cooperation. We invite you to take a look at the website www.bodyandrights.be. To watch the different modules it has to offer, an e-mail registration suffices.
More information can be found in the brochure. If you would like a (digital) presentation of the platform, please do not hesitate to contact marlies.casier@sensoa.be. We would be happy to explore how the e-tutorial can benefit you and your organisation and how we can work together to realize sexual and reproductive health and rights for all.
Best regards.
The SRHR Working Group