Support the MATCO study on maternal health provision during the COVID-19 pandemic by sharing their online survey with your health professional networks.
The MATCO global study aims to understand the impact of COVID-19 on health care available for pregnant, laboring and postpartum women and their newborns, and to mitigate against negative consequences by extracting and sharing solutions developed.
The study has been ongoing since March 2020 and comprises three sub-studies: 1) A global online survey of maternal and newborn health professionals (3 rounds), 2) A mixed-methods, longitudinal in-dept case study in seven maternity/newborn hospital wards in Guinea, Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania (May 2020) and 3) a qualitative postnatal care study in the French speaking part of Belgium to document the adaptations and responses of the different health structures to the COVID-19 pandemic. More information is available on the ITM-MATCO webpage.
The Institute of Tropical Medicine Sexual and Reproductive Health Group is leading the consortium and the International Centre for Reproductive health (ICRH, Ghent University, ANSER member) is a partner. The results will be presented on the 26th of March during the Rīga Stradiņš University Research Week (also an ANSER member).
The 3rd round of the online survey for maternal and newborn health professionals is still open and collecting data. Please support the MATCO consortium share the survey among your health professional networks. The survey can be found here and is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, German, Dutch, Italian, Kiswahili, Japanese and Slovak. It takes 15-20 minutes to complete.
Contact: Lenka Benova