Inspiration Day: Women’s Rights and Health
15/12 - 30/11/2018

Open discussion between people who contribute as volunteer or co-worker to a so-called fourth pillar initiative for the right to health of women in low income countries in Africa, Latin America or Asia. An exchange of these ‘4th pillar’ experiences with collaborators from Belgian NGOs in international health, who are active in promoting and supporting the sexual and reproductive health of women.

The plenary session started by an introduction on women’s rights, on sexual and reproductive health and rights in low income countries and on international cooperation in health between Belgian development cooperation actors:

Interactive workshops were held on the following themes:

  • Family planning
  • Teen pregnancies
  • Sexual violence
  • Genital mutilation and
  • Woman in human trafficking


More information about the workshops (in Dutch).

Programme (in Dutch):

  • 9.30u Welkom
  • 10u Opening – co-organisatoren
  • 10.15u Introductie tot het thema “Vrouwenrechten en gezondheid” – Hoe staat het met de Reproductieve Gezondheid in armere en midden-inkomenslanden, door Katinka in ‘t Zandt, Academisch Expert
  • 10.45u Hoe draagt België bij tot Vrouwenrechten en gezondheid internationaal?, door Ignace Ronse, Gezondheidsexpert DGD
  • 11u PAUZE
  • 11.15u Een 4de pijler-reflectie over de internationale gezondheidssamenwerking tussen Belgische ontwikkelingsactoren, door Anselme Mubeneshayi Kananga, IYAD vzw
  • 11.45u 1ste workshopronde (60 min) : keuze uit 5 parallelle sessies, zie hierboven
  • 12.45u LUNCH
  • 13.15u 2de workshopronde (60 min): keuze uit 5 parallelle sessies, zie hierboven
  • 14.15u Netwerking – informele ‘Meet & Greet’ tussen deelnemers
  • 15u Einde



This event is an initiative from different federations of diaspora associations: IYAD, FAAB, vzw AIF+, “Vierdepijler steunpunt” from 11.11.11., GAMS, the platform Be-cause health, the province of Antwerp and the City of Antwerp with the support of the Flemish and the Belgian Development Cooperation.